Wednesday 7 May 2014

6. TERM TWO Week 1 Revision and catch up lesson


Last term what are some ideas we examined….
* What is an influence?
* Types of infleunces (Physical, Social, Political, Cultural, Economic)
* Examples of influences that effect me
* Brief look at sentences (Capital letter, Full Stop, Noun, Verb)
* What is a perspective?
* Types of perspectives (Local, National, Regional, Global)
* Using a blog
                - Setting up an iPad (pass words, blogs, email)
                - Using a blog (Assessment Task)
                - Communicating to other people (writing, images)
    * Perspectives effect me (Elephant picture
                 - Writing a paragraph

NOTE- These are all ideas that apply to GEOGRAPHY (the study of places) and HISTORY (the study of the past)

-----Class Test- Week 2 on all of the above work----

What did we do this week?

This week the class was split into three groups;

GROUP 1- Those who didn't complete homework. Homework consisted of completing written paragraphs started last lesson.

GROUP 2- Those students who needed extra help to complete homework task. Extra assistance was given to student to help them write the paragraph following the following scaffold....

GROUP 3- Those students who completed all work. These students applied the following checklist to their written paragraphs....

CHECKLIST                                                                                                     Tick
Have you written 3 separate paragraphs on…
b-You understood the way another person thought so you changed you opinion
c- The culture (different way a group of people live e.g. religion food, lifestyle) of another person changed what you did
d- Something from another country changed what you did

Each sentence has AT LEAST 4 sentences.

There are AT LEAST 4 sentences on:
Sentence 1- State what example you are going to write about
Sentence 2- State your example
Sentence 3- State what is a perspective
Sentence 4-  Make the link between your example and perspective

Check that each sentence has a Capital letter and full stop

Check that each sentence makes sense;
-       No extra words
-       No words left out
-       Ask 2 people to read what you have written (Does it make sense to both people?)

Then the group were assigned a "Special Project".

Special Task Force- "Archaeology"

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