Sunday 23 March 2014

5. Reflections On Assignment One- Blog Posts (Week 9)

Reflections On Assignment One- Blog Posts

You should have submitted your Blogs to me by now. Here is the marking Criteria I am going to use to Mark your blogs.

What do you have to do now? 

I will send you the following document to your Google Docs or email. You must....
1. Open up the document. Look at the teacher comments/ marks for your assessment.
2. Make a Blog post called "5. Reflections On Assignment One".
3. Copy and past the document into your post.

4. Answer the questions under the heading "Reflections on Assessment One".

I will be reading this at the end of the week. It will help me see wether you understand the learning process in "Being Us".

The document I send you will look like this....

Assessment Task One-Yr 7 “Being Us” Blog Reflections  

GEO 4.1 identifies and gathers geographical information
                       (Intrapersonal- Interested)
                               (Cognition- Poses questions, Solves problems)

GEO 4.2 organises and interprets geographical information
                                                  (Interpersonal- responsible and shows initiative)

GEO 4.3 uses a range of written, oral and graphic forms to communicate geographical information               
(Cognitive- Communicate i.e. speaks, writes, represents, uses technology)

1.     Read Mrs Collimore’s Blog on  “Being Us”
-       Post 1. What “Being Us” is all about.
-       Post 2. Influences in our lives
-       Post 3. Perspectives- Local, National, Regional, Global.
2.     Create your own “Being Us” blog
-       Set up your own Blog page with 3 posts
-       Make Mrs. Collimore an “Author” to your blog.
3.     Answer questions from 3 of Mrs. Collimore posts. The student must create 3 posts that answer Mrs. Collimore’s questions.

Assessment Task One
Blog Reflections
“Being Us”
Learning Wheel
Report Outcome








1.     Set up Blog Page
Make a Blog page with;
- Correct Title
- Mrs Collimore as an Author
- 3 posts correctly titled
* Uses technology

4.3 uses a range of written, oral and graphic forms to communicate geographical information

2. Blog reflections posted including:
- 3 posts
- All questions answered
* Shows initiative

GEO 4.2 organises and interprets geographical information

3. Answers to all questions indicate;
- A good understanding of concepts
- Writing which contains appropriate sentence structure and grammar.

Think why and how
* Poses questions solves problems

GEO 4.1 identifies and gathers geographical information

3. Some questions indicate:
- Evidence of application of concepts to everyday life
* Interested

GEO 4.1 identifies and gathers geographical information

(Teacher will place an “X” in the box for the grades awarded)

Teacher Comments:

Reflections on Assignment One
1.  What did I do well in Assignment One- Blog Reflection- “Being Us”?
2. What could I have done better in Assignment One- Blog Reflection- “Being Us”?
3. Look at the Learning Wheel picture. There are some things in the Learning Wheel you could have done better.

Think about how you setup your blog page. Answer this question.    
a- Did you communicate information Mrs Collimore wanted using the blog?

Think about you blog reflections. Answer this question
b- Were you responsible by showing you answered all questions (Mrs Collimore asked)?

Think about your answered to the questions Mrs Collimore asked. Answer this question.
c- Did you write enough to show you understood the questions (in Mrs Collimore’s Blog)?

Think about whether you showed the teacher you were interested by looking for important information. Answer this question.
d- Did you show Mrs Collimore you were interested in answering the questions by doing other research? (e.g. Looking at shops, searching for information on the internet, talking to other people etc…) You needed to take photos or tell me where you got this information from so I could see you did other reasearch.


Saturday 15 March 2014

4. Perspectives Can Change Me (Week 8-9)

This really made me think....

I saw this quote on Facebook and thought it was a great reflection related to my last post on perspectives. It is really sums up the importance of having perspective....

We all think that to be educated means to know a lot. I think the easy part is knowing a lot. The hard part is changing the way we think because of what we know. We can all know a lot just by finding information and then remembering it. Not everyone choses to change the way they think and do things because of the information they know.

Geographers (people who study Geography) and Historians (people who study History) believe if they understand the places, people and past they will;
   - Know more about places, people and the past
   - Change the way they think about places people and the past
   - Change the way they act now

Your blog reflection......What do you think?

"It's your perspective that counts- your ability to see differently, not just see a lot"

1. Look at the "stimulus"picture under the heading "Your blog reflection..... What do you think?". Copy the stimulus into your blog.

NOTE- If you use the app on your iPad "Side by Side" this is easy to do. You can have my blog next to your blog on the iPad screen. Then you can copy from my blog and paste onto yours.                            

2. In week 8 we discussed in groups of 4 "What the picture has to do with "perspectives"? You wrote down you ideas as a group and Mrs Collimore collected this.

3. GROUP WORK.....Now we are going to write about the link between the picture and the idea of perspectives.

How can we answer this question?

Explain the link between the elephant picture and the idea of perspectives.

NOTE TO HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION- Lets look at the question.....                        
--> Explain means you should "make relationships between things evident"                                           
--> A paragraph is 3 to 5 sentences written together.                                                                                 
Here is how you can write your paragraph which shows a link between the picture and perspectives.     Write a sentence on each of the following.....                                                                                            
   - Sentence 1: Restate/ Rephrase the question. (What are you going to talk about)                                  
   - Sentence 2: State (say) what the picture is about.                                                                                 
              (Look at your group elephant picture with notes. This will help!)                                              
   - Sentence 3: State (say) what "perspectives" means.                                                                            
   - Sentence 4: Link one idea from the picture with one idea from the perspectives meaning.                  
              (Look at your group elephant picture with notes. This will help!)                                               
   - Sentence 5: Rephrase the question again using different words. (What have you talked about)           
Don't forget a paragraph is sentences which flow from on from each other. They are not written on       separate lines but follow each other.

3. Write the heading in your blog "Perspectives Effect Me".

Write down an example of a time when the following have happened to you. Each example should be written in a paragraph following format...

NOTE TO HELP YOU WRITE YOUR PARAGRAPH: Remember a paragraph has 3-5 sentences. The sentences should flow on from one another.                                                                                    
Sentence 1: Restate/ Rephrase what the example is you are going to write about.                                 Sentence 2: State your example.                                                                                                              
Sentence 3: State what is a "perspective".                                                                                             Sentence 4: Make the link between your example and the perspective.                                                  

-a- You knew more about something and you changed how you did something.

-b- You understood another way a person thought so you changed your opinion.

-c- The culture (different way a group of people live e.g. religion, food, life style) of another person changed what you did.

-d- Something from another country changed what you do.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

3. Perspectives- Local, National, Regional, Global (Week 6-7)

Thinking About Perspectives

I am part of a bigger world. The things that immediately affect me are local. They include my home, school and local shops. Then there is the country that I belong to- a national influence. Being an Australian means that there are rules the government sets that I have to follow. These laws help me to live a safe life and also give me lots of opportunities. I am also part of a region called "Asia Pacific" which are the Asian countries that surround Australia. I often buy things that come from this region. On a larger scale I am part of a global community. I have contact with different places around the world through technology all the time. I can talk to people in other parts of the world in lots of different ways. I can use facebook (which is American) or just pick up a phone and ring overseas. I even buy things from different parts of the world by using my computer.

I have local, national, regional and global influences in my world. Each of these parts of my world give me a different perspective. They make me see things differently. I can see things from a local perspective, thinking how something will effect my home. I can see things from a national perspective and think about things will effect the country I live in. I can think about things rom a regional perspective. This means thinking about how neighbouring countries will be effected. It can also think about how I effect neighbouring countries. On a much larger scale I can think about how other countries are effected.

It's all about my perspective sometimes. How I see things is important. However, I also realise that different people see things differently depending on where they are in the world. Another person in another country may have different perspectives because their world is very different to mine.

I look back at this picture which is about 4 years old and I think about how 4 years ago I thought a little differently about the world. I was home more with my second child and I thought more about my local world than I did my national, regional or global world. My perspective was very different when I was a mother at home more.


On your blog I would like you to answer the following questions in full sentences. You will need to read the above information and think about the answers to the questions I have asked. Make sure you write enough so I see you have really thought about the question.

1. What is "perspective"?

2. What perspective did I have when I was at home with my child?

3. What national things affected me that I didn't think about (when I was at home with my child)?

4. I was buying a lot of regional products from the shops when I was at home with my children. A lot of the things I bought were to do with babies because I had a 6 week old child. What products could I have bought from Asia?
CLUE- Find baby products made in asia and sold in Australia in shops AND/ OR research on the Internet.

5. What kind of products could I have bought over the internet from other countries in my house for my family?
CLUE- Look at where home products are made AND/ OR research on the internet.