Sunday 16 February 2014

2. Influences in our lives (Week 4-5)

Influences in my life
There are many things which influence our lives...
1. Physical (natural and man made things)
2. Social (living in communities)
3. Cultural (features of a group of people)
4. Economic (buying and selling)
5. Political (government and decision making)

Here is a little collection of pictures which makes me think about these influences....

How much money the government puts into education affects what I can do as a teacher in my school.
This is a political influence.

Having children has changed the places I chose to go to on the weekend.

This is a social influence.

I work as a teacher and earn money so I can buy things that I need and want.

This is an economic influence.

My parents were born in another country and now I know how to speak another language.
 This is a cultural influence.

On holidays I like to go to the beach and this helps me to relax.
This is a physical influence.

There are physical, social, cultural, economic  and political things that influence your life everyday. I have explained to you very simply "how" things have influenced my life. Now it's you turn to explain the influences in your life. But I would like you to give more detail, telling me exactly what the influence is and how it changes you.


* I will be marking the answers to these questions as part of your first assessment. 
* Try your best to write proper sentences. This means all sentences should have the following:
      - Capital letter
     - Full stop
     - Noun
     - Verb
     - No words left out (so it makes sense)
* Answer each question in detail. This will show me you understand the influence.
* Include pictures in your blog to help show your understanding of the influences. This will make your blog more interesting.

1. Explain a physical influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
2. Explain a social influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
3. Explain an economic influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
4. Explain a political influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?