Sunday 16 February 2014

2. Influences in our lives (Week 4-5)

Influences in my life
There are many things which influence our lives...
1. Physical (natural and man made things)
2. Social (living in communities)
3. Cultural (features of a group of people)
4. Economic (buying and selling)
5. Political (government and decision making)

Here is a little collection of pictures which makes me think about these influences....

How much money the government puts into education affects what I can do as a teacher in my school.
This is a political influence.

Having children has changed the places I chose to go to on the weekend.

This is a social influence.

I work as a teacher and earn money so I can buy things that I need and want.

This is an economic influence.

My parents were born in another country and now I know how to speak another language.
 This is a cultural influence.

On holidays I like to go to the beach and this helps me to relax.
This is a physical influence.

There are physical, social, cultural, economic  and political things that influence your life everyday. I have explained to you very simply "how" things have influenced my life. Now it's you turn to explain the influences in your life. But I would like you to give more detail, telling me exactly what the influence is and how it changes you.


* I will be marking the answers to these questions as part of your first assessment. 
* Try your best to write proper sentences. This means all sentences should have the following:
      - Capital letter
     - Full stop
     - Noun
     - Verb
     - No words left out (so it makes sense)
* Answer each question in detail. This will show me you understand the influence.
* Include pictures in your blog to help show your understanding of the influences. This will make your blog more interesting.

1. Explain a physical influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
2. Explain a social influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
3. Explain an economic influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?
4. Explain a political influence in your life. How does it effect/change you?

1. TERM ONE What "Being Us" is all about. (Week 2-3)

Welcome to "Being Us" in Year 7 at Delany College. This course is a way of investigating human society and its environment. It is about understanding people and their environment in the past and in the present. It should help you inquire into the world around you more fully.

Why study history and geography this way?
When I was 21 I started to travel. I earn't money and wanted to enjoy the world around me more. I remember standing in the busy Berlin in Germany and looking at this amazing city. I knew a little bit about history but a lot more about Geography since I had just finished a university degree majoring in Geography. I remember thinking I needed to understand the past a lot more in order to enjoy what I was looking at. Knowing about the past could not be separated from the people and the place I was looking at in front of me. You could not separate History (the past) and Geography (the present)- you needed to know about both at the same time in order to enjoy the place you are in.


Look at the picture I took of my children on one of our holidays at the beach.

1. Lets see what you notice about the picture.
        a- What do you see in the foreground (front) of the picture?
        b- Whats do you see in the background (back) of the picture?
        c- What do you see in the middle of this picture?

Now we are going to think about some questions you can ask about this picture.

2. What 2 questions could you ask about the people in this picture?

3. What two questions can you ask about the place in the picture?

4. Write two questions you could ask about what happened before this picture was taken. 

5. Write two questions you could ask about what happened as the picture is being taken.

History is the study of what has happened to people and places in the past (before).
Geography is the study of people and places you see now (present).

Asking questions is an important part of geography and history. Its the start of discovering others and ourselves. Its an important part of "Being Us".